This little museum features exhibits from all eras of Palauan life, including artworks, photography, sculpture, storyboards and more. As you move between…
The Republic of Palau is scenically magical. For such a tiny area of land, it packs a big punch. It's hard not to be overwhelmed by its extraordinary array of natural wonders: this is an archipelago of about 200 largely pristine limestone and volcanic islands, blanketed in emerald forest, surrounded by a shimmering turquoise lagoon. Unsurprisingly, diving is the number-one activity here, with truly world-class dive sites. Divers swear by Palau's exciting seascape, fascinating wrecks and stunningly diverse marine life – it's not dubbed 'the underwater Serengeti' for nothing.
This little museum features exhibits from all eras of Palauan life, including artworks, photography, sculpture, storyboards and more. As you move between…
If you want to see the 'Easter Island of Micronesia', bookmark this archaeological site located at Babeldaob's northernmost point, where you'll find large…
Palau's oldest bai (men's meeting house) is over 100 years old, 21m long and 6m wide, with a steeply pitched roof reaching a height of 12m. It was…
Babeldaob's most impressive WWII site, Kaigun Sho is a bombed-out shell building, used as a communication centre by the Japanese during WWII. The facade…
This elegant bai (men's meeting house) stands in superb isolation up a hill in Melekeok. From the Melekeok State Office, where you'll pay the entrance fee…
Your first encounter with a bai (men's meeting house made of wood and thatch) will probably take place in the grounds of Palau Community College, right in…
Fancy a dip? Make a beeline for this little jungle waterfall that drops into a broad pool. It's only a five-minute walk down the main road, but there's no…
Washington DC? No, Palau's political centre. This monumental building, which was constructed in 2006, is a replica of the American capitol. Visitors are…
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Jan 3, 2020 • 1 min read
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